May 6th, 2019


The Primary Cares Initiative got a warm initial reception from key providers groups, but many still have questions about the details of the proposal.

By John Commins     April 23, 2019  |

Provider associations are praising the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ plans to launch five at-risk primary care models.

“Providing adequate financial support for high quality primary care must be an essential element of any strategy to improve the quality and affordability of our country’s healthcare system,” Gerald E. Harmon, MD, Immediate Past Chair of the American Medical Association Board of Trustees said in prepared remarks.

“Many primary care physicians have been struggling to deliver the care their patients need and to financially sustain their practices under current Medicare payments,” Harmon said. “The new primary care payment models will provide practices with more resources and more flexibility to deliver the highest-quality care to their patients.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar unveiled the voluntary initiative on Monday, saying theCMS Primary Cares Initiative for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries would transform primary care to a value-based system that rewards physicians who keep patients healthy and out of the hospital. Read the full article