Tools & Tip Sheets
HCCI has developed a number of free and premium downloadable tools, tip sheets, sample forms and how-to guides on a variety of Home Centered Care topics. If you are interested in purchasing these tools on an individual or bundle basis, please follow the links below.
HCCIntelligence Premier Tools & Tip Sheets can be purchased on an individual basis or as part of a discounted bundle. We regret that we cannot accommodate requests to modify your individual selection to accommodate future purchase of a bundle.
HCCIntelligence™ Premier: All-Access Bundle |
Provides access to all HCCIntelligence™ Premier Tools & Tip Sheets included in the following Bundles: - Practice Operations and Leadership Premier Bundle
- Clinical Premier Bundle
- Sample Forms Premier Bundle
Cost: $229
HCCIntelligence™ Premier: Practice Operations & Leadership Bundle |
Access to the below HCCIntelligence™ Premier Tools & Tip Sheets: - Advanced Coding Opportunities
- Superbill Worksheet
- Home Visits E/M Guide
- Transitional Care Management (TCM) Face-To-Face Visit Requirements
- Transitional Care Management (TCM) Interactive Contact Requirements
- Chronic Care Management (CCM) Care Plan Requirements
- IDT Meeting Guide
- Key Metrics for Demonstrating the Value of HBPC Programs
- HBPC Practice Intake Guide
- Professional Resources for the Homebound
- Remote Patient Monitoring
- Complimentary Tools & Tip Sheets Included:
- Meeting with Payers
- Recruiting Patients for your Home-Based Primary Care Program
- Securing Referrals for your Home-Based Primary Care Program
- Telehealth During COVID-19
- Tips for Developing your Unique Value Proposition
Cost: $169
HCCIntelligence™ Premier: Clinical Bundle |
Access to the belowHCCIntelligence™ Premier Tools & Tip Sheets: - Gastrostomy Tube Replacement Procedure for HBPC Providers
- Knee Aspiration & Injection Procedure for Home-Based Primary Care Providers
- Tracheostomy Tube Replacement Procedure for HBPC Providers
- Annual Wellness Visit Template Guidelines
- HCC Quick Reference Guide
- Complimentary Tools & Tip Sheets Included:
- Suggested Equipment and Supplies for HBPC (Black Bag)
- Durable Medical Equipment – Home Oxygen
- Durable Medical Equipment – Wheelchairs, Power Mobility Devices, and Hospital Beds
- Infection Control Resource Guide
- Patient Instructions for Pre- and Post-Steroid Injection
- Preparing for the Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 Today and Tomorrow – A Home-Based Primary Care Practice Guide to Reopening
Cost: $99
HCCIntelligence™ Premier: Sample Forms Bundle |
Access to the belowHCCIntelligence™ Premier Tools & Tip Sheets: - Professional Resources for the Homebound Patient Form
- Medical History Form
- Demographic Intake Form
- Chronic Care Management Care Plan – Sample
- Complimentary Tools & Tip Sheets Included:
- Narcotic Contract
- Patient Communication Choices
- Provider Orders and Instructions Form
- Sample Patient Caregiver Satisfaction Survey
- Professional Resources for the Homebound Patient Form
Cost: $49