July 30th, 2019
Categories: Benefits of HBPC, Training & Education

home-based primary care training and education

Written by: Thomas Cornwell, Home Centered Care Institute; Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group
Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews


Home-based primary care (HBPC) improves the lives of high-cost, frail, homebound patients and their caregivers while reducing costs by keeping patients at home and reducing the use of hospitals and nursing homes. Several forces are behind the resurgence of HBPC, including the rapidly aging population, advancements in portable medical technology, evidence showing the value of HBPC, and improved payments for HBPC. There are 2 million to 4 million patients who could benefit from HBPC, but only 12% are receiving it. The number of these patients is expected to double over the next two decades. This requires a larger and better prepared HBPC workforce, making St. Clair and colleagues’ article published within this same issue very timely. They showed residents exposed to HBPC had increased interests in providing HBPC in the future. They also found HBPC training fulfilled all 6 Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education core competencies and at least 16 of the 22 Family Medicine Milestone Project subcompetencies. Such medical education curricula are necessary to sufficiently develop a future workforce capable of appropriately providing HBPC to an increasing number of patients.

Recommended Citation

Cornwell T. House calls are reaching the tipping point — now we need the workforce. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2019;6:188-91.

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