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Click to Download Free Home-Based Primary Care Resources
for Patients, Families and Caregivers

Home-Based Primary Care: A Powerful Solution for Home-Limited, Medically Complex PatientsHome-Based Primary Care: A Powerful Solution for Home-Limited, Medically Complex Patients

This resource describes home-based primary care (HBPC) and how it differs from other types of in-home care. It is intended to increase awareness among patients, caregivers, and the public about HBPC and how it can improve health outcomes, enhance the quality of life for patients and caregivers, and reduce the total cost of care by preventing unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

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Home-Based Primary Care for CaregiversHome-Based Primary Care for Caregivers

This resource is intended to increase awareness of home-based primary care (HBPC) among caregivers, including how it can help them manage their demanding responsibilities and take care of their own needs. It was developed in consultation with a long-time caregiver who sits on the HCCI Practice Advisory Group.

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