HHS Secretary Azar Announces CMS Primary Cares – A Historic Turning Point In American Healthcare
April 22, 2019 | This is the speech (as prepared) delivered by HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar, April 22, 2019 in Washington, D.C. Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you so much for joining us. Thank you in particular to the American Medical Association for inviting us...
CMS to launch new direct-contracting pay models in 2020
April 23, 2019 | Susannah Luthi | Modern Healthcare HHS on Monday launched an ambitious, double-pronged strategy to shift primary care from fee-for-service payments to a global fee model where clinicians and hospitals could assume varying amounts of risk. HHS Secretary Alex Azar told a crowd...
HCCI at AGS19, May 2-4, 2019 Portland Oregon
HCCI at AGS19 – Booth #317 Meet representatives from the Home Centered Care Institute (HCCI) May 2-4 in Portland, Oregon at the American Geriatrics Society 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting (AGS19). Learn why the future of health care is in the home. HCCI offers workshops, online courses and consulting...
House Call Training Offered June 13-14 in Schaumburg (Chicago), IL
HCCI Essential Elements of Home-Based Primary Care™ Presented June 13-14 in Schaumburg (Chicago), IL Course Description This two-day foundational workshop is designed for learners who are considering or who are relatively new to offering home-based primary care (HBPC) services for patients with complex medical conditions.