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House Call FinderHCCI_AAHCM_NHBPCLN logos

The House Call Finder was developed by the American Academy of Home Care Medicine (AAHCM) in partnership with the National Home-Based Primary Care Learning Network and the Home Centered Care Institute.  According to AAHCM, “the online directory helps patients and their families connect to trusted, local home care medicine providers, while also supporting the full complement of healthcare organizations who can use the directory as a resource for referrals and new care team relationships.”

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House Call Resources for Patients, Families and Caregivers

HBPC Consumer Resources

Home-Based Primary Care: A Powerful Solution for Home-Limited, Medically Complex Patients

This resource describes home-based primary care (HBPC) and how it differs from other types of in-home care. It is intended to increase awareness among patients, caregivers, and the public about HBPC and how it can improve health outcomes, enhance the quality of life for patients and caregivers, and reduce the total cost of care by preventing unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

Home-Based Primary Care for Caregivers
Developed in consultation with a long-time caregiver and member of the HCCI Practice Advisory Group, this resource aims to increase awareness of HBPC among caregivers, including “conversation starters” for talking with the patient’s primary care provider about obtaining HBPC, how it can help them manage their demanding responsibilities and take care of their own needs, and how to access community resources.

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Home-Based Primary Care Makes a Difference

Family caregiver daughter caring for her mom

In addition to providing information to home-based primary care providers and practices,
HCCI provides these house call resources for patients, families, and caregivers.

Home-based primary care (HBPC), also known as the “modern-day house call,” provides medical care to frail, medically complex patients who are either homebound or home-limited. These are patients for whom visiting a doctor in their office is either difficult or impossible. Physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants provide ongoing care to these patients in their homes – often through to the end of their lives. Thanks to advances in modern technology, a visit can even include lab tests, an EKG, x-ray, ultrasound, and more.

The Home Centered Care Institute (HCCI) is a national nonprofit organization focused on scaling home-based primary care and bringing it into the healthcare mainstream. In addition to being an authoritative source for clinical and operational best practices for house call programs, HCCI is advancing the field through education, consulting, research, and advocacy.

To learn more about HCCI and home-based primary care, watch the videos.

Rethinking Modern Medicine

Rethinking Modern Medicine

Links to Additional Resources for Patients, Caregivers and Families of our Partners

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) – National Agencies, Groups and Organizations for Caregivers

Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC)

Illinois Academy of Family Physicians (IAFP)

Respecting Choices

The John A. Hartford Foundation (JAHF)

Vital Decisions